tag: array , backtraking
difficulty : medium
Given a collection of candidate numbers (candidates) and a target number (target), find all unique combinations in candidates where the candidate numbers sums to target.Each number in candidates may only be used once in the combination.Note:All numbers (including target) will be positive integers.The solution set must not contain duplicate combinations.Example 1:Input: candidates = [10,1,2,7,6,1,5], target = 8,A solution set is:[ [1, 7], [1, 2, 5], [2, 6], [1, 1, 6]]Example 2:Input: candidates = [2,5,2,1,2], target = 5,A solution set is:[ [1,2,2], [5]]
var results [][]intvar existed map[string]intfunc combinationSum2(candidates []int, target int) [][]int { results = make([][]int, 0) if len(candidates) == 0 { return results } existed = make(map[string]int) sort.Ints(candidates) backtrack(candidates, target, nil) return results}func backtrack(candidates []int, target int, result []int){ for i, val := range candidates { if val == target { result = append(result, val) temp := make([]int, len(result)) copy(temp, result) addIfNotExist(temp) break } if val < target { result = append(result, val) backtrack(candidates[i+1:], target - val, result) result = result[:len(result)-1] } if val > target { break } }}func addIfNotExist(cr []int){ sort.Ints(cr) var s string = "" for _, val := range cr { s += "," + string(val) } if _,ok := existed[s];ok { return } results = append(results, cr) existed[s] = 1}
- almost same with 39
- element can be used only once